How add your event on Tripalon.Com

Publishing your event on Tripalon can help you to promote it, find new friends or share the information with people, which are going to participate it. 

Publishing an event on tripalon is free.


First of all you need to register. You can use your Gmail account to do that.

1) Click on "My Account" in the top right corner, and choose Google account (of course, you need to have one registered before that).

2) Allow Google to use your account to login on Tripalon.


You successfully logged in. Now You can click on "My Account" again.


In pop up window you will see you profile and the menu, where the first option will be "Add an event".

To create an event follow few steps:

1) Write the name of the event (trip)

2) Choose the start date

3) Choose location (Country, City, hold Shift to select few locations)

4) Add short description and upload one main picture (short description and the picture will be shown in the list of all events in your location).

5) Write detailed description.


After publishing the event wait for the approval (may take up to 2-3 days).


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